"A Compton Cop"
Founded by Arnie Villarruel, A Compton Cop. During most of my career as a "Compton Cop" I worked undercover narcotics. Our Narco's Unit was determined to stop the flow of narcotics into the city, but the want and need from a user never seized. We attemepted to cut the narcotics snake head off, but it was a relentless pursuit. However, our determination never waivered. As we conducted numerous hours of surveillance, purchase of narcotics and reverse stings of narcotics I remember saying to myself, "STAY ALERT STAY ALIVE" . As "A Compton Cop", we saw and lost fellow officers in the line of duty. Jimmie Mac and The Gentle Giant-Kevin. The stories through my eyes are real and genuine, as well as those of other sheepdogs. "STAY ALERT STAY ALIVE" was a mantra I used and learned from a fellow officer. As we conducted one of many reverse stings (selling of narcotics to buyers) we would tell each other "STAY ALERT STAY ALIVE". A Compton Cop symbolizes the will to survive and true character and values. As a brand, A Compton Cop is to ensure not to forget fallen officers in the line of duty. Our mission is to keep the lost alive through knowledge and relentless intolerance. Love you all and "STAY ALERT STAY ALIVE".
True stories of being "A Compton Cop"
I worked the streets of Compton for approximately 15 years. During that time I worked as an undercover cop in Narcos. I wrote well over 300 search warrants. Purchased and sold narcotics, while conducting reverse stings. Worked with various agencies (FBI, DEA, LA Impact, numerous DA Office's, surrounding police departments). Worked w/ the Compton PD gang, homicide, assault, robbery, etc. units. Numerous stories on getting hired as a cop, academy antics, training, arrest's and long standing friendships, as well as, losing great friends in the line of duty, illness's and termination of non-valuable friendships.